In 2018 New England Contract Realty will continue to offer free seminars
focusing on the first time homebuyer as well as on the 2nd home/vacation property
market. Often these events will have banking and legal professionals in attendance to answer additional
questions that cross over from the actual real estate aquisition to the lending, legal and estate planning
issues of ownership. Lunch and Good Company provided. Come enjoy a casual discussions about these and other
real estate topics with no pressure or obligation.
With all of this years events behind us, we will look forward to your future registration for our
First Time Homebuyer semenars soon to
be posted on the calendar. RSVP will be required as seating is limited.
RSVP using this form remembering to choose the event date of interest. We will contact
you to confirm your seat with the information provided. Your information will not be shared with others.
YES sign me up for the Event Date
NOTE Please check this calendar for changes or cancellations as your event approaches.
We will e-mail any schedule changes as well. Calendar updated as needed or as events are filled,
past and added.